
Television - Introduction

One very interesting development in this century is an amazing growth of television. If before 1948 where the television can not be considered as the basis of the established trade, now television has thrust its roots that strong in many countries. Wherever there is no television growth is more rapid than the growth in the United States. Billions of dollars has been planted in the television industry. As big homes in the United States at least possessed a television set, as well as in many homes in the nation that has progressed more. Diverse program steady flow of television studios.

Although television commercial can be considered a newcomer in the field of communication, broadcasting has been initiated early years earlier. In fact, a kind of primitive television system has been designed by a creator from United States named CR Carey at the beginning of 1875. In Carey's system, the light reflected from an object or a scene will pass through a glass lens, as in a regular photo camera.

That light will fall on the light-sensitive electric cell, shaping it into a kind of mosaic. Each cell in the mosaic will be passing an electric current equal to the amount of light falling on it. A wire will connect each cell to an electric light in an edge or mosaic lamps, mosaic corresponding to the light-sensitive cells that.

Some of the lights will light up bright as a strong light has fallen on the light-sensitive cells associated with the lights. Other lamp will light dim or no light at all because of the light falling on the cells corresponding photo are very weak. Rough boundary between light and dark in the view of the original will be reproduced at a distance of the cell images as a result of the ignition of the electric light selectively.

Descendants of this system is still used. You'll see it in practice its use if you have ever watched a row of words that lined the news through a mosaic of electric lights outside the newspaper building.

Of course, Carey rough television system differs significantly from television system that is used now. However, it is important to note that, in the system Carey, (1) a picture of a scene is broken down into small pieces, (2) the pieces of the picture transmitted separately, and (3) the parts of the whole picture reassembled at the time of admission. Television systems are now also based on the (1) splitting the original image into small pieces, (2) transmitting bits of it, and (3) rearrangement of pieces of the picture.


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