
Family of Cats - Body Shape

Cat's body are slender, easily moved, and flexible it is very suitable for hunting. Much of their weight supported by front legs, while the rear legs are muscular and strong back that makes it easier to pounce on prey.But in a matter of running, Cats are still inferior to the dog. However, Cats can run fast in a short distance and then jump to catch its prey. Cats walk or run up on his fingers. In each of the front legs have five fingers and four fingers on each of its hind legs. Cats are equipped with long curved claws that can be drawn into when not in use.

Big cat's head, their faces are relatively short and rounded. A bulge at the top of the skull to accommodate the lower jaw muscles that are strong. Their teeth are very suitable for the food. Front teeth, or biting teeth, used for tearing flesh, dagger-like fangs that can pierce deeply, whereas the teeth of the series, or other, are used for tearing meat and tough fibers. Their tongue that rough, also affected the activities of eating meat.

Cats can be said the hunter of the night and their eyes that very Big so perfectly so as to accommodate as many as possible of existing light reflection at night. Especially in open areas, Cats uses their eyes to locate prey. Their Senses of smell are quite perfect, but it is not a mainstay senses like a dog or mink. Their sense of hearing are exceptional sharp and maybe a flagship weapon in the hunt. Facial vibrissae, or whiskers, are one of the sense of touch that used to recognize the terrain. No doubt, that cats whiskers can warn against the danger, especially at night. Cats brain are big and perfect, so that animal have good guard and good high-coordination.


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