
Human Embryology - Male genital

Two male testes were shaped like an egg, wrapped in a sac called the scrotum. Scrotum is located outside the body cavity, below the stomach. Sperm are produced in the testes were transported into a woman's genitals through the external genitals of men called the penis. Penis also serves remove urine.

After leaving the testis, sperm flows along the spiral flat tube over 6 m in length called the ductus, or vas, epididymis. This elongated tube leading to the ductus, or vas, deferens, the muscular tube that is greater than the vas epididymis. Channel of the seminal vesicle is emptied into the vas deferens. Each testis has a delivery system as described above.

At the time of copulation activity, seminal vesicle secretion that suspend the release of sperm from the testicles out. Both liquids are transported to the upper end of the urethra, the channel along the penis. In this place to join the secretion released by the prostate gland and other glands in the urethra. A mixture of sperm and secretions is called semen.

These sperm become very active. Under the microscope will be seen that the sperm are moving powerfully. Each sperm has a head like a shovel, which is linked by long filaments, called flagelu, which encourages the movement of sperm with shaking.


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