
Matter - Changing States

Effect of heat can result in changes in the state of the object. This means that if an object is heated, it will change from one state to another of the three state forms of matter can be either solid, liquid, and gas.

What happens when an object changes from the solid phase to liquid phase, as if the ice become water?

We must recall that the molecules of solids having a high density and has the attraction between molecules is large enough. That is why the form of fixed objects. Now, when the heat applied to solids, the vibrational energy of molecules increases and each unit separated from the bond on the original molecule. What was once solid, now liquid.

The effect of cooling on ice is a consequence of change from solid to liquid state. Heat necessary to melt the ice absorbed from any nearby objects. and lowering the temperature of these objects.

for example if a piece of ice put into a drink, then slowly the ice will melt as it absorbs heat from the drinks. The result is the drinks become more cold.

Temperature when a solid turns into liquid is called melting point. and freezing point used for temperatures when the liquid become solid.

Actually there are four forms of substance that is solid, liquid, gas, plasma, for plasma we will discuss in another article.

Melting point of various substances varies greatly. For example, mercury melts at a temperature of 38.87 degrees Celsius, iron at 1535 degrees celcius, tungsten 3370 degrees centigrade. Low melting point metal alloy of some substances such as wood metal makes it a very useful metal in the fire control system. Flame atomizer valve is closed with plugs made of metal alloys. If the room temperature rises above 70 degrees centigrade. Plugs that melt causing atomizer that works. Metal wood is often used in the manufacture of toys magic spoon. This kind of spoon would melt if used stirring hot liquid.

The amount of heat needed to melt a unit mass of a substance when it reaches the point of a liquid called heat fusion. Heat fusion is different for various substances. eg ice absorbs 79.71 calories for each gram of ice is melting. Aluminum absorbs 94 calories, copper 49 calories, timbale 5.47 calories, when The heat energy absorbed at this level, no visible increase in temperature. Therefore, the heat fusion is sometimes associated with latent heat.

If the temperature of a liquid is lowered, the liquid will be solid. Here also, the kinetic molecular theory to explain what happened. When the liquid temperature is decreased, the molecules that make up the substance that has reduced energy. Molecules move more slowly and the molecules are close together have a stronger pull than ever before. Finally, these molecules are very tightly drawn so as to obtain a permanent position.


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