
Family of Cats - Evolution

How family of cats evolved into a variety of animals known as a formidable hunter? Many experts believe that cats perfect adaptation was the result of a long series of evolutionary changes. The ancestors of cats suspected of primitive carnivore called kreodonta. Derived from this kreodonta a group of animals that inhabit the forests and hunters known as miasida a small, long-bodied, long tailed, short-limbed and lithe. From this Miasida was born cats, ferrets, mink, dogs, bears, and seals.

At the end of the Eosene age and the beginning of Oligosene age, about 40 million to 60 million years ago, miasida split into several lines of evolution. Two of the lines that evolved into animals like cats, one of which led to cats awl. This line that includes the "sabertooth" which now extinct is "dead end" of evolution. Other lines include cats biting gave birth to modern cats and from direct ancestors.

The first true Cats (owned by the genus Felis) suddenly appeared in the repertoire of fossils, from the Pliocene era about 13 million years ago.

Currently, the cats are the most widespread and most successful mammal. They are the original inhabitants throughout the mainland except Australia, Antarctica, Madagascar, and islands in the Pacific Ocean. However, the cats most numerous in tropical regions.

At least there are 50 species belonging to family of Felidae, the family of mammalian carnivore. All of which almost the same form, but to make it easier to split the big cats and the cats which not so big. However, cheetahs are kind of cats are somewhat different from the others.


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