
Holography - Observing Hologram & Hologram 3 Dimensions

For instance the image stored in the emulsion was now open to a "light reader" Leser-frequency beam is the same as that record-ray images, the amazing thing will happen. To the superintendent, the original object appears to float in the room behind the plate photography. Every small part of the original object is reproduced with stunning realism. Furthermore, because the supervisors moved her head, she can make which smallest real part covered by the objects in the foreground.

The background appears more clearly into focus so that the foreground faded. Everything has been presented to the supervisors as a viewable image. A photographic prints can be made from hologram, but the print is in two dimensions. Also part of the hologram can generate a whole picture.

3 Dimensional Hologram

The first Hologram that provides three-dimensional image was developed in 1962 by Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks, two scientists from the University of Michigan. This development is the culmination of over several years studies. In fact, two-dimensional images have been produced by the interference pattern of light in early 1891 by Gabriel Lippmann, a photographer from France. He received a prize novel in physics in 1908 for his achievements.

The idea of ​​three-dimensional images generated by the interference was proposed by Denis Gabor of the Institute for Science and Technology Education in London in the year 1947. Gabor trying to capitalize on the wave patterns of the electrons in the electron interference pattern forming. However, the electron beam used by Gabor did not have the necessary coherence. Only after the discovery of the laser, which first three-dimensional images produced.

Holograms have been produced or observed with the help of ordinary light. An equipment type is really tricky required for this procedure and the resulting image until now have been disappointing. The picture is bleak and decaying color assessment.

A beginning has been made to produce a hologram of life, a very primitive type of colored three-dimensional cinema. In this development, some images produced on a single photographic plate by turning the plate was a little on each image. Different images were then shown a rapid succession since the slab is rotating at normal light rays.


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