
Family of Cats - Lion

Among the wild cats, lions are the largest and most powerful. Animals, nicknamed "the king of animals" is graceful and has a strong voice. Lion feared by other animals and even humans.

Lion would rather be in open places. Currently more lions were found in the grasslands, shrubs, and areas of semi-desert in the south of the Sahara. Some of them "no more than 200 of them" contained in the Gir forest, India.

Lion settlement areas were once much more widespread. Lions ever inhabited southern Europe, but once it starts to grow its forest area by the end of the glacial epoch, the lions lost their dreams and little by little extinction. Some of the lions, a lion called Persia, was found in the Middle East which used to be where the lions roam. Formerly lions were also found in most of Africa. However, in this region was home the lion has undergone many changes and, with the increasing hunting pressure, the residence became increasingly discouraged.

Love of the lion for open spaces make it an easy target for hunters. Its population has thinned drastically and now the lion is an animal protected by law in various countries around the world. African lions are found in several national wildlife refuge and hunting in place it is prohibited, namely to provide an opportunity for the lion population to recover. Asian lions population are so small that it has been declared as a type of endangered species.

Living in a pride, the lion are cats who loves to live in a society. Although male lions like to live alone, they usually live in groups called prides.

A pride consists of several female lions "which usually are related to each other" and their children. Adult male lion became a temporary member of a pride and stay in that group for several months or several years. Male lions often fight fiercely competing for sovereignty over a pride. The winners controlled the whole group. If the leader of the group has shown signs of deterioration of strength and agility, it will be expelled from the group by a younger and stronger male lion which then took over the pride of sovereignty over it.


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