
Law Of Ideal Gas

When the gas in effecting heat, gas will show a greater expansion and more disordered than solids and liquids. In 1787 the French physicist Jacques Charles found that all the gas expands by an amount equal to the temperature rise. Then he composed what is now called the Charles law. Law states that a certain volume of gas will expand about 1/273 of its own volume when heated 1 degree centigrade. 

Gas will also shrink the same amount when cooled to 1 degree Celsius. If we have to cool the gas to -273 degrees centigrade, in theory, it no longer has a gas volume. Temperature of -273 degrees Celsius (-273.16 degrees Celsius rather) you may still remember, is the absolute zero temperature. Actually, the gas will turn into a liquid before this temperature is reached. Charles law applies only if the gas pressure remained unchanged during the temperature change.

What happens when the pressure change as the temperature remains unchanged? this relationship Observe by Robert voyle and, separately, also by edme Mariotte, two scientists are the seventeenth century. The results of their research is the formulation of laws that are now perpetuating the name of Boyle. According to Boyle's law, which turns the gas volume will be inversely proportional to the pressure against him, provided the temperature does not change.

For every 1 degree centigrade rise in temperature, if the volume of gas remains constant, the pressure will go up 1/273 of original volume. After the French chemist Louis Gay Lussac hoseph, as the first, to formulate this relationship, the law is sometimes called the law of Gay-Lussac all of the above law applies precisely in terms of what we call an ideal gas. An ideal gas is a state when the space is filled by the molecules, while the attraction between molecules is negligible. For most of the gas at relatively low pressures and high temperatures, all above the law it is appropriate for ordinary purposes. However, in some cases we must take into account both the space-filled molecules and the intermolecular attractions.


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