

The so-called thermal or heat is actually the kinetic energy, the energy motion of molecules vibrate. When an object is cold, its molecules vibrate slowly. When the temperature is increased vibration growing rapidly and the molecules have greater motion energy. Energy motion are multiplied by the heat causes solids to liquid and from liquid to gas.

Most of the heat comes directly from the sun and cause the existence of life on earth. There are various other sources of heat, such as an electric toaster. Under normal conditions, gases releasing heat when pressed and absorb heat when it is developed.

Heat can be caused by friction. Mechanical energy is used to overcome friction transformed into heat energy. Chemical changes such as the reaction of oxygen and carbon also releases heat energy. The most striking thing about the heat is that heat is constantly in motion. Humans uses his time to try to control the motion of heat is to be able to bring it to the required place and remove it from the place that does not want.

They enter the heat to their homes in the winter and try to prevent it from entering in the summer. Winter clothing is designed to prevent heat out of the body. While summer clothes to facilitate heat flow into the body. It has been found effective ways to move heat from one place to another in hundreds of operations in the industry, such as the hardening of steel, printing and curing plastics and rubber, glass and ceramic manufacture, and the manufacture of chemicals.

Heat can be spread in three ways: by conduction, convection and radiation.


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