
Human Embryology - Female genital

Ovary, where female sex cells ( ovum ) are produced, shaped like an almond, located at the hip. Ovum has grown from a cube-shaped cells that covers each ovary. This cube-shaped column of cells penetrate into the ovary. The group broke into small cells for the penetrate this field. Cell group is called primitive graafian follicle. Each cell were composed of large cells surrounded by a layer of cells smaller. Tues center is the primitive ovum which can be developed into a mature ovum.

In the ovaries of women who have mature sex cell, either one of primitive graafian follicles begin to ripen in a certain period. The cells surrounding the ovum to form a primitive breed several layers. The follicle were eventually break down and artificially inseminated itself out. Ovum (eggs) which still not mature, moving from the ovary into a flattened tube (tube Falopian) and mature here. There are two Falopian tubes, each from the direction of each ovary. When the ovum is in Falopian tubes, a sperm can impregnate.

Ovum is finally moving toward the end of the uterus that is wider, which is a hollow organ shaped like a peach. If the eggs had been impregnated and if conditions are favorable, the eggs will develop into an embryo in the womb. If not impregnated, the eggs will be damaged and will be disposed along with menstruation.

End of the uterus which small and narrow is called the cervix. The cervix is open to the vaginal canal, which receives the male organ in copulation activity, or coitus. In the virgin, the vaginal opening is usually partially enclosed by a membrane called the hymen.

It said earlier that breast, or mammary glands, are female genitals secondary. This organ consists of a mass of glandular tissue to secrete milk if properly exposed to stimulation. The milk are transported through the channel to the nipple, where the baby is sucking. The nipples are covered with black leather and protected by a circle called the areola.


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