
Human Embryology - Sexual Propagation

Sexual propagation occurs in a high-rise living creatures, but many also occurred at a lower level creatures. Two kinds of sex cells, or gametes, are involved in this process; male gamete or sperm, and female gametes, called ovum, or eggs. Under normal conditions, only if an egg is fertilized by a sperm, there will be a new individual.

Human sex cells are only one part of the thousands of millions of cells present in the human body. Each cell contains a core, or nucleus, of which there are a number of chromosomes. In some particular phase of cell division, chromosomes stretched and intertwined. On the other phase, the cells become shorter and thicker, which makes it different from the others. Chromosomes carry hereditary factors called genes. Human cells (except adult sex cells) normally has 46 chromosomes. Adult sex cells only have 23 chromosomes.

Human sex cells produced in gonads, or sex glands, ovaries (ovary) for women and testes for men. A number of other complementary sex organs also have a role in these proliferation process. these organs include penis for men and uterus, or womb, for women. The characteristics of secondary sexual nature are also growing. Among these are the growth of facial hair on men and growth of breasts in women.


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