

If a liquid is heated, there will be other types of changes. at any given temperature, the liquid contains molecules that have a different amount of energy. Most of the molecules would be so strives to penetrate the surface of the liquid, but the pull of the molecules on the surface will pull back off the earlier molecule. Certain molecules that have a much higher energy will escape into the open air and move beyond the reach of the attraction of molecules on the surface. molecules that escape will form a gas or vapor. The process of change of liquid to gas is called evaporation.

Evaporation continues to occur at all temperatures. Evaporation was continued until the liquid runs out or until the space above the liquid is saturated, this situation occurs when the molecules are separated from the liquid as much as that back from upper space, and this resulted in a state of equilibrium.

Because evaporation is a loss of high-energy molecules from the liquid, it is certain that the average energy from molecules that remain in the liquid decreases and the temperature will drop. Effect of evaporation has been known since ancient times until now still used in many tropical regions to cool drinking water.

Water that evaporates from skin helps maintain body temperature, when it's hot we sweat. When the sweat evaporates, the skin becomes cold. Evaporation is slowed in moist air, because the levels of water vapor in the air is already close to saturation point. That is why we feel cooler in the dry season than during the humid air, although its temperature is equal.


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