Dont ever think by abiding rules you will automatically be useful to society

Rules are not there for us they are for the "person who made it", and the "reality" and "future" which are bound by these lies, are preventing you from reaching your full potensial. Time is wait for no one.


Atom Shredder - Introduction

Our current knowledge about the atomic pattern partly caused by a device called an particle accelerator or a atom shredder. These machines accelerate or speed up the filling particles "in the form of negatively charged electrons or positively charged protons, deuterons, or alpha particles" at high energy. Electrons are particles of negative electricity that surround the nucleus or atom's seed inside. Protons, deuterons, and alpha particles are positively charged all atomic nucleus. Proton is ordinary hydrogen nuclei; deuteron is heavy hydrogen nuclei; alpha particles are helium nuclei.

Heating System

Water Heating System

The water heater is used to provide hot water for the kitchen, bathroom, and washing is based on the principle of convection. A heater coil mounted on the boiler so that the water in the kettle it through freely. When the coil is heated water in it to be warmed by the heat flow through the metal wall of the coil is by conduction.



Which we call convection is actually a combination of conduction through a fixed medium and convection, while heat carried by a moving medium. for example if there is running water, say in contact with a hot surface, some liquid was heated by conduction and heat it brought along with the moving liquid. If the water is warm then come into contact with a cold surface, the water will give a portion of its heat to the surface, again through conduction.



Many other events that show the insulating properties of air. The house as often isolated by arrangement dual wall, air space formed between the outer wall and the plaster walls. Insulation is made more effective way by placing the material is more loose. As mineral fibers in the air space, preventing air circulation inside the dual walls it.



when an object attached to other objects, the temperature will rise in this place. The molecules vibrated faster even though stay in place, the molecules that transmit the vibrations to the surroundings. That's how the heat propagates through conduction.



The so-called thermal or heat is actually the kinetic energy, the energy motion of molecules vibrate. When an object is cold, its molecules vibrate slowly. When the temperature is increased vibration growing rapidly and the molecules have greater motion energy. Energy motion are multiplied by the heat causes solids to liquid and from liquid to gas.


Holography - Usage

Three-dimensional holography is still in progress. However, this object has been used in a wide range of business and many other things as mentioned. It has been used successfully in the Interferometry, which deal with the analysis on various properties of liquids, solids, or gases with the help of symptom interference.

Holography - Observing Hologram & Hologram 3 Dimensions

For instance the image stored in the emulsion was now open to a "light reader" Leser-frequency beam is the same as that record-ray images, the amazing thing will happen. To the superintendent, the original object appears to float in the room behind the plate photography. Every small part of the original object is reproduced with stunning realism. Furthermore, because the supervisors moved her head, she can make which smallest real part covered by the objects in the foreground.

Holography - Introduction

An encouraging development in optics are a technique known as holography. The name was derived from two Greek root meaning "a perfect record" and this phrase is very appropriate. Holography not only record images of objects that exist in the form of 3-dimensional but the picture was too colorful and it fits perfectly with the original object. Basically with holography are a form of photography, that produces a permanent record from objects on photographic plates. However, the results are different in one respect from the usual photography.

Television - Introduction

One very interesting development in this century is an amazing growth of television. If before 1948 where the television can not be considered as the basis of the established trade, now television has thrust its roots that strong in many countries. Wherever there is no television growth is more rapid than the growth in the United States. Billions of dollars has been planted in the television industry. As big homes in the United States at least possessed a television set, as well as in many homes in the nation that has progressed more. Diverse program steady flow of television studios.


Family of Cats - Lion

Among the wild cats, lions are the largest and most powerful. Animals, nicknamed "the king of animals" is graceful and has a strong voice. Lion feared by other animals and even humans.

Lion would rather be in open places. Currently more lions were found in the grasslands, shrubs, and areas of semi-desert in the south of the Sahara. Some of them "no more than 200 of them" contained in the Gir forest, India.

Family of Cats - Evolution

How family of cats evolved into a variety of animals known as a formidable hunter? Many experts believe that cats perfect adaptation was the result of a long series of evolutionary changes. The ancestors of cats suspected of primitive carnivore called kreodonta. Derived from this kreodonta a group of animals that inhabit the forests and hunters known as miasida a small, long-bodied, long tailed, short-limbed and lithe. From this Miasida was born cats, ferrets, mink, dogs, bears, and seals.


Sublimation is the change in states of matter from solid to gas or from gas to solid. When the temperature of the particles constituent a solid substances is increased, then the particles will sublimate into gas. Conversely, when the gas temperature is lowered, the gas will soon change its form into a solid.


When the liquid temperature was raised, will be reached a certain point when the liquid begins to boil. Boiling can be interpreted evaporation that occurs in the entire liquid contents, not just on the surface only. Vapor bubbles are formed inside the liquid. The bubbles will rise and break through the surface.


If a liquid is heated, there will be other types of changes. at any given temperature, the liquid contains molecules that have a different amount of energy. Most of the molecules would be so strives to penetrate the surface of the liquid, but the pull of the molecules on the surface will pull back off the earlier molecule. Certain molecules that have a much higher energy will escape into the open air and move beyond the reach of the attraction of molecules on the surface. molecules that escape will form a gas or vapor. The process of change of liquid to gas is called evaporation.

A Special Case Of Water

Most of the liquid shrinks when it freezes. Water is a special exception because water expands when frozen quite large, one cubic meter of water would be 1.08 cubic meter of ice. Of course the ice would be less dense than water. This phenomenon has a beneficial effect. Imagine what happens if a pool of water such as rivers or lakes experiencing freezing temperatures.

Matter - Changing States

Effect of heat can result in changes in the state of the object. This means that if an object is heated, it will change from one state to another of the three state forms of matter can be either solid, liquid, and gas.

What happens when an object changes from the solid phase to liquid phase, as if the ice become water?


Law Of Ideal Gas

When the gas in effecting heat, gas will show a greater expansion and more disordered than solids and liquids. In 1787 the French physicist Jacques Charles found that all the gas expands by an amount equal to the temperature rise. Then he composed what is now called the Charles law. Law states that a certain volume of gas will expand about 1/273 of its own volume when heated 1 degree centigrade. 


Human Embryology - Female genital

Ovary, where female sex cells ( ovum ) are produced, shaped like an almond, located at the hip. Ovum has grown from a cube-shaped cells that covers each ovary. This cube-shaped column of cells penetrate into the ovary. The group broke into small cells for the penetrate this field. Cell group is called primitive graafian follicle. Each cell were composed of large cells surrounded by a layer of cells smaller. Tues center is the primitive ovum which can be developed into a mature ovum.

Human Embryology - Male genital

Two male testes were shaped like an egg, wrapped in a sac called the scrotum. Scrotum is located outside the body cavity, below the stomach. Sperm are produced in the testes were transported into a woman's genitals through the external genitals of men called the penis. Penis also serves remove urine.

Human Embryology - Sexual Propagation

Sexual propagation occurs in a high-rise living creatures, but many also occurred at a lower level creatures. Two kinds of sex cells, or gametes, are involved in this process; male gamete or sperm, and female gametes, called ovum, or eggs. Under normal conditions, only if an egg is fertilized by a sperm, there will be a new individual.

Human Embryology - Introduction

Human beings are finite, and their lifetime are short enough even under ideal conditions. Fortunately, like all other living beings, humans can develop so that his descendants maintained the survival of these species.

Family of Cats - Hunters

In general, cats are solitary animals that roam and hunt alone. Only at mating time they will align. Of course, the children always follow their parents until the time they were able to hunt alone. In case of this solitary life, the lion is an exception. Although sometimes solitary, lions live in groups more frequently seen in groups of 20 to 30 individuals. This group is called a pride.

Heat - Expansion and Contraction

We have seen that most of the solids will expand when heated and shrink when cooled, when a railway station is installed, a small room should be made between the rail connection to allow the rail it expands during the summer. Rivets are used to connect parts of the steel frame building is a good example about effect cooling on the solid object. Initiated by heating the rivet nail, and then plugged in when it it's hot. When it is cool, rivets it will shrink and pull the two sections of steel tightly.

Family of Cats - Body Shape

Cat's body are slender, easily moved, and flexible it is very suitable for hunting. Much of their weight supported by front legs, while the rear legs are muscular and strong back that makes it easier to pounce on prey.But in a matter of running, Cats are still inferior to the dog. However, Cats can run fast in a short distance and then jump to catch its prey. Cats walk or run up on his fingers. In each of the front legs have five fingers and four fingers on each of its hind legs. Cats are equipped with long curved claws that can be drawn into when not in use.

Family of Cats - Introduction

Family of Cats which consists of a lion, leopard, jaguar, puma, lynx, cheetahs, cat houses, and so are carnivores or meat eaters. They are very clever in this hunt and ambush prey. These animals must be alert and concentrate to catch its prey. Cats (Family of Cats intended) also may not create noise that would cause suspicion of his victim. Sometimes Cats hunt prey that are not visible or smell the scent and rely solely on the trail of their prey or other signs.


Specific Heat

Not all the material absorbs heat at the same speed if the material have the same temperature change. For example, if water, iron, mercury, and gold in the same weight and same initial temperature,have temperature increase the same, each will absorb different amounts of heat. Unit called the specific heat is used to show the heat absorption capability. Specific heat of a substance is the amount of calories needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by 1 degree centigrade.


In determining a thermometer scale, selected what was referred to the points anyway. Usually the points are the freezing point and boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure. XVIII century Swedish astronomer, Andres Celsius thermometer illustrate by giving a value of 100 for the boiling point of water and the value 0 to its freezing point. range from 0 to 100 was divided into 100 parts called degrees.



We have to measure the heat in order to acquire certain knowledge about heat. Our feelings cannot be use to measuring the degree heat an object because it is often mislead us.

In solid Object, the molecules attract to each other with more powerful and permanent position, so the vibration of the molecules just around a fixed point.


The nature heat is an energy that cannot be seen, heard, or smelled. However, the influence of this energy can be felt. In addition properties of the heat energy in general also have special properties. This suggests that the heat properties could have moved to another place. The closer the heat source, more hotter and faster it transfered. Further away from the heat source, the less heat is transfer.


Heat plays a very important role in our daily lives as a heating system that keeps us warm in winter,in the summer we prefer to keep the house temperature lower by using the air conditioning system,heat engines generate power for cars, trucks, trains, diesel, certain heat engine running dynamo that generates electricity,electricity operate factory machinery, and other tools, our lives a lot depends on the heat,actually our own body is a heat engine, the food we eat is the fuel so that our bodies are still warm and provide energy for our activities

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